Deciding to homeschool your kids is a big decision. It can feel overwhelming to start a new experience and you may be unsure what to do and what to avoid. Here are some things you definitely should and should not do during your first year of homeschooling.



Research Different Methods

There are many different approaches you can take when homeschooling. From scheduling options to curriculum decisions, you can teach your child in pretty much any way you want. Take some time to read through different teaching options and learn about the other experiences from homeschool parents. Once you find something that sounds like it will work for your family, go for it!


Ask For Help

You don’t have to do this alone. If you’re unsure of how to do anything during your first year of homeschooling, ask for help. Reach out in online forums or to other homeschool parents in the area. Many people will be glad to share their insight and you’ll feel more confident moving forward.


Think You Need to Have it All Figured Out

No one becomes an expert homeschool parent in a single year. (Or in several years, for that matter.) Many parents try out several methods before they find something that works for their family. Don’t freak out when you inevitably hit some bumps in the road while you’re transitioning from the public school system. You’ll get there.

Overschedule Your Day

It can be tempting to pack your days full of educational activities, teaching moments, and family bonding time. But it’s best to start slow when you begin a homeschool routine. Figure out how much time your kids need to work through the curriculum. It’s always easier to add a little more to your day than to panic in the evening when you aren’t getting everything done.