How Digital Learning Is Changing Teaching

How Digital Learning Is Changing Teaching

We all remember our childhood school days, restless in our seats while a teacher gives a lecture. Whether it was 2nd grade or a college-level course, we’re now beginning to realize that this method of teaching isn’t for everyone. The good thing for a lot of current...
School Suspensions

School Suspensions

You may think about your children potentially acting up in class or having a hard time focusing on some subjects, but there are a lot of parents that hardly ever think of suspensions or expulsions. And it is with good reason, as parents strive to teach their kids how...
Community Events to Include Your Kids

Community Events to Include Your Kids

If you think community events only center around board meetings and other bureaucracies, think again! There are always community events carrying on that are super inclusive for kids of any age, all you have to do is look! Whether you want to get more involved to make...
Home Schools Were Winners During Lockdown

Home Schools Were Winners During Lockdown

Based on multiple data sources, the American public learned in 2021-2022 that public schools were not actually spreading COVID in the huge numbers predicted.  Nonetheless, schools were still closed even after kids were eligible for vaccinations. The current estimate...
Working with Your Kid’s Teachers

Working with Your Kid’s Teachers

With a new school year around the corner, your child may be facing a new teacher, and with that, new rules, and a new way of learning. Even if your children have the same teacher this coming school year, it is a great idea to build a relationship with your kid’s...