November is the season for remembering all we have for which to be thankful. Over the years, many families have shared their gratitude for homeschooling. The following was sent to Global Student Network in November 2015.

I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to homeschool my children.

It is not merely a part of our lives, but it IS our lives. Not only do I have the opportunity to choose the curriculum that my children will learn, I can influence them positively, encourage their zest for education and, most of all, spend each and every day showing my love for them by educating them at home. I am investing in them and the product will be success as they grow into adults and become educated, productive citizens of our world.

Through homeschooling, my children have the opportunity to volunteer in their community. They look forward to their lessons and seek information about the subjects far beyond what they would have time for in a regular school setting. They are taught daily by me, someone they know loves and cares for them deeply, and who is interested in their future.  They are not pressured by peers in unfamiliar setting or bullied to become something they are not. They flourish each day as they can be completely and fully themselves and are appreciated and encouraged by their family and circle of friends.

Homeschooling has allowed my daughters to become organized and responsible at a young age. They take it upon themselves to do the work they know needs to be done. I believe through homeschool, they are learning to become students who will succeed in their college settings, taking full responsibility for themselves and their actions, knowing they turn their work in for self-satisfaction of a job well done. They will be employees one day who come up with creative solutions to solve everyday issues, as they have not been stifled through a one size fits all education. We are able to take field trips often to enhance their learning and vacations where they can see new places and cultures in person. Homeschool allows real life learning experiences!

I am thrilled with the curriculum provided by Global Student Network (GSN). I recommend it to anyone who expresses interest in homeschooling. It is engaging and meets the needs of our children in today’s world of technology. My daughter learns immensely from GSN curriculum. She is excited about her school work, and discusses the lessons and what she is learning with me on a regular basis. I see her face light up when she makes connections to real life experience from the material she is covering. I hear negativity about homeschool from outsiders, but I am not discouraged or dismayed because I see all the benefits it has provided my children and my family.

I am proud, and I am so thankful to be a Global Student Network parent, and a homeschooling mother!

-by Chasity L.

Global Student Network is showing its gratitude by giving away 15 curriculum licenses! Click here for details!