Mother’s Day is a chance for any mom to have a nice, peaceful day, however that may be for them. It could involve a spa day, sleeping in, shopping, or even skydiving! However you as a mother wants to kick back and enjoy the day is entirely up to you! If you’re a mother of youngsters, you may want to find some activities you can all do together. They may be too young to attempt breakfast in bed for you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun this Mother’s Day!


From a very young age, children develop a love for coloring, whether it’s outside of the lines or not. This Mother’s Day, you both can enjoy some fun coloring books with either markers or colored pencils. Find some spring or Mother’s Day related pages online, or use whatever you may already have at home. You both can color and relax for as long as you want! If your children are a little older, you can have them finger paint different items as well. Small flower pots, mugs, picture frames, tote bags, clothing, small canvas boards, and more! You can even sculpt some clay together and use finger paints for them to leave handprints on whatever you make from the clay, creating some fun ways to reflect on their childhood! 

More Crafts

Using construction paper or other card stock type paper, you can help trace your children’s hand prints to either make cute cards or just another way to make a memento of their younger years. They can color the paper or add stickers and a fun message for your special day. You can make construction paper flowers as well, or use tissue paper in layers to make beautiful looking flowers, especially if you use multiple colors in the layering process. If you have a garden, you can pick flowers with your children and enjoy the nicer weather. You can display some of them in your home, and then show your kids how you can press flowers in books to preserve the flowers for later. 

Enjoying the Day

Chances are if you have little ones, there’s not much time to relax and kick back. Depending on the moods of your children the day of Mother’s Day, you may still be putting out fires and taking care of the essentials of the day. But if your children are even a little older, you can still give yourself a pamper day. You can watch a movie together and soak your feet, or paint your nails, and do the same for your kids if they’re old enough. You can read a book together or listen to music. No matter how you choose to spend the day, do what you enjoy and live life to the fullest!   

Katie Kyzivat