Homeschool Facts

SW San Antonio Relaxed Homeschoolers

Homeschool Support Group in San Antonio, TX

We are pretty relaxed about pretty much everything. We are not a religious-oriented group so we have no "statement of faith" or Biblical mandates to follow. Many of our members are religious but "What church do you go to?" isn’t a common question. No one cares if you are Catholic or Hindu, Atheist or Pagan. We find little reason to discuss curriculum or "how to make Johnny finish his English paper" but can get intense about respecting children and gentle parenting.What we do see as paramount is having fun and playing together. Basically, we like our kids, like each other’s kids and enjoy spending time together. We get together at a park each week on Tuesdays (northeast side).

SW San Antonio Relaxed Homeschoolers
City: San Antonio
State: TX
Country: US
Website: Click Here
Email: Click Here to Email this Group

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