Homeschool Facts

Homeschool Academy of South Jersey (HASJ)

Homeschool Support Group in , NJ

The Homeschool Academy of South Jersey provides students with classes in academic subjects which parents feel they may not be proficient in. We also provide a Homeschool High School Diploma program, Homeschool Monitoring Program-to assist new homeschoolers in their organization and structure-and Tutoring Program to assist homeschoolers in being successful in their homeschooling adventures. In addition to our Academy we have a Yahoo! Group that is open to all interested homeschoolers which is by invitation only to ensure the safety of our homeschool students. The Homeschool Academy of South Jersey was created by parents interested in providing any homeschool family, regardless of religious beliefs, ethnic background, or financial situation an alternative to schooling strictly at home. The Academy does not promote religion of any sort and will not discriminate on that basis. It\\\'s a place where children of varying ages can gather in a classroom atmosphere and learn various academic subjects as well as elective classes of diversified interests. Parents should feel comfortable that their children are in an atmosphere where they are supported and treated with respect by skilled teachers and students alike. The Homeschool Academy of South Jersey aims to provide students and parents with a variety of avenues to find information, materials and links to other educational/homeschool resources. NOTE: We are a private group, separate from all support groups, however, we will work in conjunction with all interested support groups and individuals.

Homeschool Academy of South Jersey (HASJ)
State: NJ
Country: US
Website: Click Here
Phone: 609-805-2548
Email: Click Here to Email this Group

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